Specialist orthodontist|Trained Provider
GDC number: 77667
Adrian has been providing fixed and removable braces for children and adults for over 18 years and has a Masters Degree (with Distinction) in Orthodontics from the University of Warwick. He was the Winner of the "British Orthodontic Society Practitioner Group Case" prize in 2017 and was awarded "Portman Healthcare Clinician of the Year" for 2018
He is currently an Honorary Clinical Teaching Fellow at the University of Warwick, a full member of the British Orthodontic Society, A Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and is the North-West Division Director of the Faculty of General Dental Practice .
He is a general practitioner with a Special Interest in Orthodontics and as such is able to provide restorative/ implant treatment in conjunction with orthodontic treatment. He also has a Masters Degree in Dental Biomaterials