Alicia Thomson ANGLE

Alicia Thomson ANGLEAngle House - Crouch End

Specialist orthodontist|Trained Provider
GDC number: 66166


Mrs Alicia Thomson BDS, FDS RCS, MSc, MOrth, qualified in 1990 from King`s College London. She specialised in Orthodontics from Eastman Dental Hospital, London and since 2000 has worked solely in Specialist Orthodontic practice, treating both children and adults. Alicia`s goal is to provide her patients with a smile that fills them with confidence. Where at all possible, a non-extraction approach is adopted and she is in a position to provide cosmetic and metal braces, such as Invisalign clear aligners and other lingual braces.

Contact details

Angle House - Crouch End

71 New Rd , Crouch End, N8 8TA, London, GB
Svg Vector Icons : 02083488220

Payments accepted

Credit card
In-Office Financing