Originally hailing from Yorkshire and graduating from the University of Leeds, Dr Amreen Akhtar is a dentist who has considerable experience in both NHS and Private practices.
She has a particular interest in short term Orthodontics, currently offering the Invisalign system, Whitening and Bonding to change the appearance of teeth in the smile zone.
She is taking a wide range of courses to deliver more options for her patients currently doing the postgraduate diploma in clear aligner therapy, multiple composite bonding courses including SmileFast and practical crowns MA veneer courses.
Amreen loves meeting new people, and will always attempt to put you at ease, being bubbly and full of conversation, whilst focusing on the job of looking after your health. Amreen finds nothing more satisfying than seeing a patient's confidence soar.
Book in for your free consultation. We have a designated patient care coordinator to liase with you throughout. Come see us for an amazing service and a bespoke tailored patient journey.