Nikhil Joshi

Nikhil JoshiBridge Dental

Dentist| Trained Provider
GDC number: 272123


Dr. Nikhil Joshi BDS (Lond), MFDS RCPS (Glasg), PG Cert (Dent Ed) GDC Number: 272123 Invisalign Go Premier Provider Nikhil completed his dentistry degree at Barts and the London Dental School. He has since undergone further postgraduate training and developed a keen interest in providing smile makeovers to patients. Using the clear Invisalign aligners, Nikhil has transformed many smiles. His friendly and gentle manner has made him popular with anxious patients.

Contact details

Bridge Dental

91 Borough High St, SE1 1NL, London, GB
Svg Vector Icons : 02074072174