invis is innovative treatment for growing teens.

Now with enhanced precision wings.

Why Invisalign® with mandibular advancement?

Invisalign® treatment with mandibular advancement is a clinically proven1 method for Class ll correction in teen patients providing the ability to treat more complex teen cases.

Efficient treatment

Simultaneously postures the jaw forward while aligning the patients’ teeth.

Patient comfort2

Patients report satisfaction and increased comfort when compared to traditional, fixed appliances.

Clinically proven3

A clinical trial with forty patients demonstrated Invisalign® treatment with mandibular advancement is effective in treating Class II malocclusion in growing teens.

And now more durable4

Three key changes to the design make the wings more durable compared to the previous wings.

Which patients are suited for the Invisalign® treatment with mandibular advancement?

Invisalign® treatment with mandibular advancement is meant for pre-teens and teens presenting with retrognathic Class II malocclusions in permanent dentition or stable late mixed dentition. The enhanced precision wings feature is integrated into the Invisalign® aligners.

How enhanced precision wings work

New Mandibular Advancement > How it works image 1
New Mandibular Advancement > How it works image 1
In addition to advancing the mandible, Invisalign treatment with mandibular advancement simultaneously aligns and levels the teeth.
New Mandibular Advancement > How it works image 2
New Mandibular Advancement > How it works image 2
Class II corrections can be achieved in single or multiple jumps.

Now with enhanced precision wings.

Enhanced precision wings bring 3 key improvements to Invisalign treatment with mandibular advancement:

Longer & curved wings

For greater durability5.

Greater overlap of the upper and lower wings

Helps maintain jaw postering forward6.

An additional rib

Is added to each wing.

image 3 - mobile version

Featured video

See Dr Owen Crotty of Cork, Ireland sharing his experience on Invisalign with Mandibular Advancement

Invisalign Doctor

“You get more effectiveness without deterioration in comfort for the patient”

Dr Owen Crotty, Ireland

Have a look at what our teen patients have to say about being treated with Invisalign with mandibular advancement.

New Mandibular Advancement > Teen interviews_Video_Image

Clinical protocol and best practices

Learn more about our clinical protocols and best practices under or by contacting your local Invisalign representative.

Record submission

Intraoral photos with additional photos for MA

Pre-MA phase (optional)

Purpose: Allow wing placement or to allow the first advancement to take place

Clinical treatment: Pre-MA will be automatically done in the following situations for successful precision wings placement
•  >7 mm deep bite
•  >20 degree molar rotation
•  Class II Div 2 incisors first advancement, get to 2 mm overjet
•  Cross bite correction to obtain between -2 mm to 4 mm of posterior overjet
•  Or tooth movement per doctors’ instructions
•  Limited Clinical Preferences
•  Custom staging is not allowed so as to place precision wings as quickly as possible

Schedule appointment for:
•  Attachment placement 

MA phase

Purpose: Prioritize the advancement of the mandible while allowing simultaneous tooth movement, which may be limited for teeth covered by precision wings

Clinical treatment: Class II correction, arch coordination, overjet reduction, teeth alignmentand leveling
•  Precision wings to correct doctors specification of AP correction
•  Limited features underprecision wings
•  Limited Clinical Preferences
•  No custom staging

Schedule appointment for:
• Patient education
• Remove any attachments if used in
pre-MA, otherwise not needed
• If no pre-MA, attachment placement

Transitional phase

Purpose: Hold the mandible in advanced position while waiting for standard Invisalign aligners or Additional Aligners to be delivered

Clinical treatment:
• Scan before you deliver transitional aligners
• No additional tooth movement
• Four stages of transitional aligners retain jaw at the corrected position

Standard Invisalign® Treatment (additional aligners)

Purpose: Finalize occlusion

Clinical treatment: New records are submitted as standard Invisalign® treatment through Additional Aligner orders
• Clinical Preferences followed except delay of attachments (per regular Invisalign treatment)
• Finish leveling the curve of Spee
• Dentally correct any remaining Class II malocclusion
• Coordinate and detail the arches

Schedule appointment for:
• Attachment placement

Retention protocol to retain in Class I position to prevent relapse (e.g. Vivera™ retainers)

1. Data on file at Align™ Technology as of June 29, 2018. Based on n=40 from a multicenter NA IDE clinical study.

2. Based on the global survey in December 2020 to March 2021 in NA, EMEA and APAC regions which included the following countries: USA, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Australia, China, Japan, 209 Invisalign orthodontists responded to the question: “Please indicate your agreement with the following statement: “Invisalign® treatment with mandibular advancement is more comfortable for the patient than Class II functional appliances I’ve used in the past (Twin Block, Herbst etc.).” “Please indicate your agreement with the following statement: “My patients are more satisfied with Invisalign® treatment with mandibular advancement when compared to my patients treated with traditional Class II orthodontic appliances (e.g. Twin Block, Herbst etc.).” Agreement scale is 1-4 with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 4 being “strongly agree”. Data on file at Align™ Technology, as of April 20, 2021

3. Data on file at Align™ Technology, as of February 2017

4. Data on file at Align™ Technology, as of September 27, 2021.

5. Data on file at Align™ Technology, as of September 27, 2021

6. Based on analysis of software planned vertical overlap between upper and lower wings for 1,976 cases of Invisalign™ treatment with mandibular advancement precision wings produced between May 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021. Cases were prepared with both precision wings and enhanced precision wings with identical treatment staging and treatment. Data on file at Align™ Technology, as of September 27, 2021.
